Tips For Protecting Yourself When Hiring a Contractor
Always Hire a Contractor That Is Registered
In the state of New Jersey, all home improvement businesses must be registered with the Division of Consumer Affairs. To register, a business must meet requirements such as having a legitimate street address and at least $500,000 in liability insurance. When you are interested in hiring a contractor, the first step is to contact the Division of Consumer Affairs and see if the contractor is in fact a legitimate business.
Get a Written Contract
For all projects estimated at over $500, the Division of Consumer Affairs requires that a written contract be present. Even if a project falls under the $500 threshold, it is suggested that customers still establish a paper contract. All contracts must contain the following information:
- Contractor’s legal name and business address
- Contractor’s registration number
- Project start and completion dates
- Details of the work to be performed
- Total project price
A TruBuilders, Inc. is a licensed New Jersey contractor with extensive experience in building restoration processes and all facets of reconstruction after weather-related incidents. We work with most insurance carriers and are well-versed in the insurance claim process. A TruBuilders, Inc. helped many homeowners affected by Hurricane Sandy rebuild and restore their properties. Read our reviews to learn about their experiences with our team.
If you are a property owner that has been affected by a weather emergency or worked with an unscrupulous contractor that did not finish your job, contact us. We are here to help.
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